Senin, 30 Januari 2012
Kamis, 28 Januari 2010
get our your own forest for protect wildlife with $ 15
For first I would like to thanks to every body was visit this blog, my name Was Zulvan Zaviery I live in remote Island we Call by Enggano.
I make this blog for introduce my little organitation program to save our Nature for support. The international program to fight the global warming, I will tell you all about the Enggano Island in this blog, what and where is it Enggano Island, History, Prospect and problem.
Enggano Island is sub district area (Kecamatan) and in politic this island is under control of North Bengkulu district.
Enggano lies is about 177 km (110 miles) to southwest from Bengkulu city, we can reach this island twice time a week by ferry, Normally ferry leave from Bengkulu to Enggano every Wednesday and Saturday.
The size of Enggano island is about 40 km long (east-west) and 17 km wide (north-south), total size is 680 km square or 68000 hectares square. The rising hill is about 281 m, there is also four others small island around Enggano, but two of them is only death island (No plantation, only reef and sands) they are is pulau satu (one island), pulau bangkai (the death body island),and two others island is beautiful green island, they are is pulau merbau (Merbau is the name of hard wood species) and pulau dua (two island).
Enggano island covered by dense rainforest with the wild buffalos, wild pigs, crocodiles, pythons and lizards but the dominant animals in Enggano island is from birds species, there is two endemic birds in Enggano island, Enggano white eyes –zoosterops salvadori, and Enggano scoops owl – otus enganensis, there also some important birds in Enggano island like long tail parakeets, Enggano hill myna-gracula enganensis, Nicobar pigeon-caloenas nicobarida) and Enggano thrush.
There is still many kinds of birds in Enggano island and some of them is not yet to identification. The Enggano peoples population is about 3000 peoples, they are spread in six villages, Kahyapu, Ka’ana, Malakoni, Meok, Apoho and Banjar Sari. Original Enggano peoples devide into 5 clans (they call it “suku”), Kaharubi, Kaaruba, Kaahoao, Kaitora, and Kauno. The last time they make it become six clans, the last clans call Kamay and this clans special for unoriginally peoples of Enggano, so today the Kamay is become the highest populations in Enggano island.
Enggano peoples is a matrilineal society ,descent is traced through the female line,in believers most Enggano peoples call them self by Moslem and Christian but actually this society is truly last animism stronghold in Indonesia.
An Italian explorer – elio madiglini visit Enggano between April 25 and July 13.1891.from his experience in Enggano island he was writing and published the book with the title L’Isola delle donne (the island of women), Modigliani also make some painting basic to real condition of Enggano peoples that day and also bring some original artifact from Enggano to Europe and today that artifact was become some collection in some museum in Europe.
Enggano society would have been severely affected by tsunami associated with cracatau eruption in 1883, as well as by the massive volcanic debris, the population went in to severe decline in the 1870s, possibly from disease, the Dutch sent the medical officer to investigated, the indigenous population never recovered and member only 400 souls in early 1960s.
Indonesian government uses the island for rehabilitation of juvenile offenders from java to open the agriculture field, cut the bushes and make a rice field.
The ancient anganese have lot of unique culture and artistic creation, but today for sure enganese culture is disappear as a results as assimilation in to an Indonesian culture.
Enggano island still green but the shadow of the damage is was there, the island of Enggano is surround by 70 % reef with white soft sands, and the others is mud with mangrove forest vegetation, the indication from the natural damage is indicated from death corals element as the potassium effect in river and oceanic habitation for fishery, so where is the corps? There only six personal of TNI (Indonesian national marine army) for guards whole the island and they facility is very minimum, they even have no boat for patrol or for response the reports from Enggano fisherman about some illegal fisheries method, they absolutely can’t do any thing to defense this territory from illegal action, they just report to military commando in Bengkulu city if there some thing urgent to handle.
The tropical deforestation in Enggano island is also running fast enough as the negative impact of economic development to the biodiversity. start in 2001 the Indonesian government was make Enggano island as the transmigration program destination, actually this program tendency is for spread the population (so the population is not concentration in the city) and the peoples can open new working field as a farmer, the government was make three location in Enggano for this program and build the hundreds unit of housing for the new people of Enggano.
After the housing finish this new peoples come, each family get one house for free, free agriculture equipment and free food supply for one year. And gets permission to cut the forest for new farming area, they also will get the certificate of the land for every area of forest they open, this certificate is proof that land is they own. This new peoples is nice and hard workers but most of them is have not enough agriculture basic knowledge. And have really low environment sense because they doesn’t know what is it ecosystems or ecology. Many of them not focusing them self in to how to make good quality of agriculture commodity but focus to how to have huge land in quantity, many of them just cut the jungle for getting the certificate of the land and than just leave the land without any plantation, this become business field for some peoples, they just waiting new visitors coming and sale it to them.
The new peoples of enggano tell the story about fertile land in enggano island, so they family follow they step move to the enggano island for land. more day more peoples coming, and more forest disappear, deforestation not only make the birds habitat to be narrow, but also now there is no more safety place for them for breeding.
Here the fact:
Every year thousands of imperial green pigeon and cuckoo dove die by air riffle bullets for they small piece of meat, actually the pigeon green is really important for ecology because they first diet is seed from lot of species of wood in the forest, they spread this seed by they feces in the land, create new plantation for forest, and this forest protect the human water supply where current to the river where the human use the water from the river current for irrigate they rice field.
So many babies of long time parakeets and enggano hill myna has take out to out side of the island for trading, the price is become the point of interest for this hunting action, the price from one babies of enggano myna is enough to buy rice supply for feed 1 person for 2-3 weeks, and for the adult one about 3-4 month age will become enough money to feed one family with 5 person member for one month.
There some protection forest area in enggano island but there is no forest rangers, so every breeding season the forest will full with birds hunters track, there Is only one forbidden area for them, IN THE OTHERS PEOPLE LAND !!, there is was criminal action (stealing) if you take baby birds in the other people land without the permission from the owned of that land, so that only one way to safety breeding area for this birds is WE SHOULD HAVE OUR OWN FOREST TO PROTECT THEM!!, me with some relation who care with this enggano island environment make a local organization for breaking the solution of this problem. our organization name is EICOSENVA (THE ENGGANO ISLAND COMMUNITY OF SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENT ACTIVISTS), the member of our organization is 18 peoples in the beginning, the member was coming from the different back ground, such farmers, the district officials, and some head master of the village, from this relationship my self as a leaders in this community is farmer with teak wood major plantation right now (my last job is tourist guide). From the relationship in the community we get 3 location possible to free or buy back and the size of each piece of land is more than 100 hectares in one location, so we plan to buy back minimally 100 hectares of land (1 km square) for reforest beside to propose the Indonesian government to put some enggano birds in to the list of protection animals by law, here our program:
1. Buy back 1 km square of land for reforest, for animals protection area, ecotourism, research, and environment education. We will call this by the international greenline forest.
2. teach the children about the biodiversity through formal and non formal education, one of the most effective way is coming to school every two weeks and than show them the documenter movie about the environment after give them tutorial in the class.
3. make a small sample area for agriculture garden of organic application for socialism media to transfer the agricultural knowledge to the enggano farmer and explain them chemical fertilizer and pesticide is dangerous for ecosystem and recommended them for back to organic agriculture method,
4. propose to the some oceanic activists organization to teach the enggano peoples how make the corals farm and sold they plantation to the tourist for make underwater corals park.
For first I would like to thanks to every body was visit this blog, my name Was Zulvan Zaviery I live in remote Island we Call by Enggano.
I make this blog for introduce my little organitation program to save our Nature for support. The international program to fight the global warming, I will tell you all about the Enggano Island in this blog, what and where is it Enggano Island, History, Prospect and problem.
Enggano Island is sub district area (Kecamatan) and in politic this island is under control of North Bengkulu district.
Enggano lies is about 177 km (110 miles) to southwest from Bengkulu city, we can reach this island twice time a week by ferry, Normally ferry leave from Bengkulu to Enggano every Wednesday and Saturday.
The size of Enggano island is about 40 km long (east-west) and 17 km wide (north-south), total size is 680 km square or 68000 hectares square. The rising hill is about 281 m, there is also four others small island around Enggano, but two of them is only death island (No plantation, only reef and sands) they are is pulau satu (one island), pulau bangkai (the death body island),and two others island is beautiful green island, they are is pulau merbau (Merbau is the name of hard wood species) and pulau dua (two island).
Enggano island covered by dense rainforest with the wild buffalos, wild pigs, crocodiles, pythons and lizards but the dominant animals in Enggano island is from birds species, there is two endemic birds in Enggano island, Enggano white eyes –zoosterops salvadori, and Enggano scoops owl – otus enganensis, there also some important birds in Enggano island like long tail parakeets, Enggano hill myna-gracula enganensis, Nicobar pigeon-caloenas nicobarida) and Enggano thrush.
There is still many kinds of birds in Enggano island and some of them is not yet to identification. The Enggano peoples population is about 3000 peoples, they are spread in six villages, Kahyapu, Ka’ana, Malakoni, Meok, Apoho and Banjar Sari. Original Enggano peoples devide into 5 clans (they call it “suku”), Kaharubi, Kaaruba, Kaahoao, Kaitora, and Kauno. The last time they make it become six clans, the last clans call Kamay and this clans special for unoriginally peoples of Enggano, so today the Kamay is become the highest populations in Enggano island.
Enggano peoples is a matrilineal society ,descent is traced through the female line,in believers most Enggano peoples call them self by Moslem and Christian but actually this society is truly last animism stronghold in Indonesia.
An Italian explorer – elio madiglini visit Enggano between April 25 and July 13.1891.from his experience in Enggano island he was writing and published the book with the title L’Isola delle donne (the island of women), Modigliani also make some painting basic to real condition of Enggano peoples that day and also bring some original artifact from Enggano to Europe and today that artifact was become some collection in some museum in Europe.
Enggano society would have been severely affected by tsunami associated with cracatau eruption in 1883, as well as by the massive volcanic debris, the population went in to severe decline in the 1870s, possibly from disease, the Dutch sent the medical officer to investigated, the indigenous population never recovered and member only 400 souls in early 1960s.
Indonesian government uses the island for rehabilitation of juvenile offenders from java to open the agriculture field, cut the bushes and make a rice field.
The ancient anganese have lot of unique culture and artistic creation, but today for sure enganese culture is disappear as a results as assimilation in to an Indonesian culture.
Enggano island still green but the shadow of the damage is was there, the island of Enggano is surround by 70 % reef with white soft sands, and the others is mud with mangrove forest vegetation, the indication from the natural damage is indicated from death corals element as the potassium effect in river and oceanic habitation for fishery, so where is the corps? There only six personal of TNI (Indonesian national marine army) for guards whole the island and they facility is very minimum, they even have no boat for patrol or for response the reports from Enggano fisherman about some illegal fisheries method, they absolutely can’t do any thing to defense this territory from illegal action, they just report to military commando in Bengkulu city if there some thing urgent to handle.
The tropical deforestation in Enggano island is also running fast enough as the negative impact of economic development to the biodiversity. start in 2001 the Indonesian government was make Enggano island as the transmigration program destination, actually this program tendency is for spread the population (so the population is not concentration in the city) and the peoples can open new working field as a farmer, the government was make three location in Enggano for this program and build the hundreds unit of housing for the new people of Enggano.
After the housing finish this new peoples come, each family get one house for free, free agriculture equipment and free food supply for one year. And gets permission to cut the forest for new farming area, they also will get the certificate of the land for every area of forest they open, this certificate is proof that land is they own. This new peoples is nice and hard workers but most of them is have not enough agriculture basic knowledge. And have really low environment sense because they doesn’t know what is it ecosystems or ecology. Many of them not focusing them self in to how to make good quality of agriculture commodity but focus to how to have huge land in quantity, many of them just cut the jungle for getting the certificate of the land and than just leave the land without any plantation, this become business field for some peoples, they just waiting new visitors coming and sale it to them.
The new peoples of enggano tell the story about fertile land in enggano island, so they family follow they step move to the enggano island for land. more day more peoples coming, and more forest disappear, deforestation not only make the birds habitat to be narrow, but also now there is no more safety place for them for breeding.
Here the fact:
Every year thousands of imperial green pigeon and cuckoo dove die by air riffle bullets for they small piece of meat, actually the pigeon green is really important for ecology because they first diet is seed from lot of species of wood in the forest, they spread this seed by they feces in the land, create new plantation for forest, and this forest protect the human water supply where current to the river where the human use the water from the river current for irrigate they rice field.
So many babies of long time parakeets and enggano hill myna has take out to out side of the island for trading, the price is become the point of interest for this hunting action, the price from one babies of enggano myna is enough to buy rice supply for feed 1 person for 2-3 weeks, and for the adult one about 3-4 month age will become enough money to feed one family with 5 person member for one month.
There some protection forest area in enggano island but there is no forest rangers, so every breeding season the forest will full with birds hunters track, there Is only one forbidden area for them, IN THE OTHERS PEOPLE LAND !!, there is was criminal action (stealing) if you take baby birds in the other people land without the permission from the owned of that land, so that only one way to safety breeding area for this birds is WE SHOULD HAVE OUR OWN FOREST TO PROTECT THEM!!, me with some relation who care with this enggano island environment make a local organization for breaking the solution of this problem. our organization name is EICOSENVA (THE ENGGANO ISLAND COMMUNITY OF SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENT ACTIVISTS), the member of our organization is 18 peoples in the beginning, the member was coming from the different back ground, such farmers, the district officials, and some head master of the village, from this relationship my self as a leaders in this community is farmer with teak wood major plantation right now (my last job is tourist guide). From the relationship in the community we get 3 location possible to free or buy back and the size of each piece of land is more than 100 hectares in one location, so we plan to buy back minimally 100 hectares of land (1 km square) for reforest beside to propose the Indonesian government to put some enggano birds in to the list of protection animals by law, here our program:
1. Buy back 1 km square of land for reforest, for animals protection area, ecotourism, research, and environment education. We will call this by the international greenline forest.
2. teach the children about the biodiversity through formal and non formal education, one of the most effective way is coming to school every two weeks and than show them the documenter movie about the environment after give them tutorial in the class.
3. make a small sample area for agriculture garden of organic application for socialism media to transfer the agricultural knowledge to the enggano farmer and explain them chemical fertilizer and pesticide is dangerous for ecosystem and recommended them for back to organic agriculture method,
4. propose to the some oceanic activists organization to teach the enggano peoples how make the corals farm and sold they plantation to the tourist for make underwater corals park.
resinus agarwood
The agarwood.
Resinous heartwood has been used for over 2000 years as an important component in additional and for easter medicine,as insence in budhis,hindu,and islamic ceremonies,and as perfume in middle east.
Agarwood is most commonly formed in tree of genera aquilera under very spesific conditions as defence mechanism again attac by fungi.most southeast asian countries have made it illegal to cut and harvest agarwood producing species,but with price tag of over U S $ 30.000 perkilogram for the best quality,wild tree species are still threatened.
Agarwood farm offering a profitable and sustainable alternativee to natural explotation.saving the ‘’wood of the gods”
In the wild only 10 % of aquilaria tree generally contain agarwood,and most are old growth trees that between 100 and 150 years.a wood microbiologist has discovered that by wounding a tree and applyng treatments,the natural response of the tree can be enhanced making possible to produce agar wood in young plantation trees,with this threatment now in under 2 years.this application will providing a new economic to thousands of people.
Aquilaria had very soft and light wood,that easy for bugs and fungus to infected them by microba, in the wild the infections begins with an insect larvae attact,the insect are making tunel and live inside the tree for a period of time.the larvae activity inside the wood make a side effect which is the creation of micro climate inside the tunnel,so the tunnel that is a wound will be infected with fungus and the tree emmits resin to fight the evil boarders.
From those principils we make such process only with better way in controlled environment in correct dosage of fungus,we drill them and put fungus inside the hole.this my look cruel but the ever demand agarwood in the world can’t meet with the agarwood stock in the jungle,so any way or another,this must be done so our children may still can appreciate the golden tree.
Agarwood or gaharu is very rare,because of excessive hunting for their woods and resin its now on cites appendix II,which mean this wood is only allowed to be trade in very small quota,indonesia as one of the largest exporter of agarwood restrict it’s exporting quota into 300 tons a year,but only 10- 20 % are already met.
But now days technology can bede agarwood produce resin just with in 1-5 years after it grows in full size,a common method in artificial forestry is to inoculate all the tree with fungus.hight quality resin comes from a tree’s natural immune response to a fungal attact.
Concern over the impact of the global for agarwood is subject to controls designed to ensure that harvest and exports are not to the detriment of survival of the species in the wild.
Resinous heartwood has been used for over 2000 years as an important component in additional and for easter medicine,as insence in budhis,hindu,and islamic ceremonies,and as perfume in middle east.
Agarwood is most commonly formed in tree of genera aquilera under very spesific conditions as defence mechanism again attac by fungi.most southeast asian countries have made it illegal to cut and harvest agarwood producing species,but with price tag of over U S $ 30.000 perkilogram for the best quality,wild tree species are still threatened.
Agarwood farm offering a profitable and sustainable alternativee to natural explotation.saving the ‘’wood of the gods”
In the wild only 10 % of aquilaria tree generally contain agarwood,and most are old growth trees that between 100 and 150 years.a wood microbiologist has discovered that by wounding a tree and applyng treatments,the natural response of the tree can be enhanced making possible to produce agar wood in young plantation trees,with this threatment now in under 2 years.this application will providing a new economic to thousands of people.
Aquilaria had very soft and light wood,that easy for bugs and fungus to infected them by microba, in the wild the infections begins with an insect larvae attact,the insect are making tunel and live inside the tree for a period of time.the larvae activity inside the wood make a side effect which is the creation of micro climate inside the tunnel,so the tunnel that is a wound will be infected with fungus and the tree emmits resin to fight the evil boarders.
From those principils we make such process only with better way in controlled environment in correct dosage of fungus,we drill them and put fungus inside the hole.this my look cruel but the ever demand agarwood in the world can’t meet with the agarwood stock in the jungle,so any way or another,this must be done so our children may still can appreciate the golden tree.
Agarwood or gaharu is very rare,because of excessive hunting for their woods and resin its now on cites appendix II,which mean this wood is only allowed to be trade in very small quota,indonesia as one of the largest exporter of agarwood restrict it’s exporting quota into 300 tons a year,but only 10- 20 % are already met.
But now days technology can bede agarwood produce resin just with in 1-5 years after it grows in full size,a common method in artificial forestry is to inoculate all the tree with fungus.hight quality resin comes from a tree’s natural immune response to a fungal attact.
Concern over the impact of the global for agarwood is subject to controls designed to ensure that harvest and exports are not to the detriment of survival of the species in the wild.
Do you looking for Quite for your vocation? Enggano island possible for your destination,quite,beautiful beach with clean and glossy water,good place for fishing,sun bath,or others marine also can tracking to the jungle for wild photographi,or birds watcing,there also culd be some good place suitable for surf if you want to explore the islasnd,hoh about the people? Enggano society is nice,and full hospitality.
If you want feel have your own island you can camping in dua island and merbau island,onlly one problem in this place is not much fasility,like hotel etc..but any way you can contack me if you interest this island and I will guide you,open this page if you want see more image of enggano island :
Zulvan zaviery
Do you looking for Quite for your vocation? Enggano island possible for your destination,quite,beautiful beach with clean and glossy water,good place for fishing,sun bath,or others marine also can tracking to the jungle for wild photographi,or birds watcing,there also culd be some good place suitable for surf if you want to explore the islasnd,hoh about the people? Enggano society is nice,and full hospitality.
If you want feel have your own island you can camping in dua island and merbau island,onlly one problem in this place is not much fasility,like hotel etc..but any way you can contack me if you interest this island and I will guide you,open this page if you want see more image of enggano island :
Zulvan zaviery
beehive house (the originali enggano traditional hause)

Beehive House, Engganese Traditional House Origin
Euba Ekadodio
Beehive House of Engganese
Rumah Sialang Enggano
Beehive House of Engganese
Rumah Sialang Enggano
In enggano language house call as Euba. So beehive houses call as Euba Ekadodio. This the unique shape house in the world.
Engganese houses once had a beehive shape. Charles Miller (1778) was the first to notice the special shape of the houses and the first to call them as a beehive houses. Such as shape rarely occur in Indonesia. Modigliani compares the engganese houses with the houses on Nicobar island, west of Indonesia. This comparison, how ever, only hold good at a very superficial level, as Domenig oberved (1999 personal communication). Other houses resembling those of engganese are the aound houses of central Timor, allthough these are not bulit on pillars like engganese ones. Rectangular house also accured and are still found today on Enggano.
Beehive model from Volkenkunde Museum, Netherland.

Beehive model from Volkenkunde Museum, Netherland.

Model of a beehive house. Such houses are very typical of Enggano. They are now no more. The latter would be demolished around 1903. Modigliani (1894: Tav.VIII) published one of the few known photos of a beehive house. Models of such Euba kakario are present in various museums. This model shows that the roof on a wooden bird figure was confirmed. In addition, the narrow doorway visible. The door is missing. This model home has no central pole. Beehive House on Enggano, only the man and the woman, and sometimes the youngest child of a family uses. It was too small and uncomfortable, no opening for fresh air, to an 'extended family' to be used. Several houses were once in a beehive circle and thus constituted a settlement. The house of the leader stood in the middle and was slightly bigger than the rest of the houses. Houses of important people would be supported by, in carved wood, picture of a defeated enemy to fertility and the welfare of the family was secure. House Models in Florence and in Jakarta have also seen this image. See also ModiglianiBeehive house model (Volkenkunde Museum)
Object Name: house (model)
Dimensions: 108 x 50 x 51 cm
Dated: 1883
Geography: Enggano / Bengkulu Utara / Bengkulu / Sumatera / Indonesia
Culture: Enggano
Beehive house model (Tropen Museum)
Postingan (Atom)