Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

resinus agarwood

The agarwood.

Resinous heartwood has been used for over 2000 years as an important component in additional and for easter medicine,as insence in budhis,hindu,and islamic ceremonies,and as perfume in middle east.
Agarwood is most commonly formed in tree of genera aquilera under very spesific conditions as defence mechanism again attac by fungi.most southeast asian countries have made it illegal to cut and harvest agarwood producing species,but with price tag of over U S $ 30.000 perkilogram for the best quality,wild tree species are still threatened.
Agarwood farm offering a profitable and sustainable alternativee to natural explotation.saving the ‘’wood of the gods”
In the wild only 10 % of aquilaria tree generally contain agarwood,and most are old growth trees that between 100 and 150 years.a wood microbiologist has discovered that by wounding a tree and applyng treatments,the natural response of the tree can be enhanced making possible to produce agar wood in young plantation trees,with this threatment now in under 2 years.this application will providing a new economic to thousands of people.
Aquilaria had very soft and light wood,that easy for bugs and fungus to infected them by microba, in the wild the infections begins with an insect larvae attact,the insect are making tunel and live inside the tree for a period of time.the larvae activity inside the wood make a side effect which is the creation of micro climate inside the tunnel,so the tunnel that is a wound will be infected with fungus and the tree emmits resin to fight the evil boarders.
From those principils we make such process only with better way in controlled environment in correct dosage of fungus,we drill them and put fungus inside the hole.this my look cruel but the ever demand agarwood in the world can’t meet with the agarwood stock in the jungle,so any way or another,this must be done so our children may still can appreciate the golden tree.
Agarwood or gaharu is very rare,because of excessive hunting for their woods and resin its now on cites appendix II,which mean this wood is only allowed to be trade in very small quota,indonesia as one of the largest exporter of agarwood restrict it’s exporting quota into 300 tons a year,but only 10- 20 % are already met.
But now days technology can bede agarwood produce resin just with in 1-5 years after it grows in full size,a common method in artificial forestry is to inoculate all the tree with fungus.hight quality resin comes from a tree’s natural immune response to a fungal attact.
Concern over the impact of the global for agarwood is subject to controls designed to ensure that harvest and exports are not to the detriment of survival of the species in the wild.

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