Rare Bird Enggano White-eye - Burung Mata Putih Enggano
Burung Mata Putih Enggano
Zosterops salvadorii
Zosterops salvadorii
Possibly the first ever photos of this species in the wild. Made by Mr. Filip Verbelen from Belgium. The Image taken on Enggano island and publish Oriental Bird Club at 13 february 2009. This is rare speciest endemic in enggano island and present at UICN red list since few years ago.
Kemungkinan besar ini adalah photo pertama burung mata putih enggano yang pernah di buat di alam bebas. Di photo oleh Filip Verbelen berkebangsaan Belgia di Pulau Enggano tanggal 10 february 2009 dan di terbitkan ke Oriental Bird Club tanggal 13 february 2009. Burung ini sangat langkah dan salah satu burung khas endemik pulau enggano dan kini telah masuk daftar merah burung-burung yang terancam punah.

Photographer : | © Filip Verbelen |
Location : | Enggano Island (south west of Sumatra), Indonesia. |
Date : | 10 February 2009 |
Equipment : | |
Alt. Common Name : | Kacamata enggano |
Bird Family : | Zosteropidae - White-eyes, black-eye & ibon |
Bird Group : | PASSERIFORMES |
Red Data Status : | Unspecified |
Remarks : | Possibly the first ever photo of this species in the wild. |
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